4 min read

Is it "Unspiritual" to Pursue Your Dreams?

I recently watched one of my favorite movies, “The Rookie.” It’s a good family movie and even if you don’t like baseball, it’s a great story. As with most “based on real life” movies, there are a number of inconsistencies from the real life story, but it’s still good.

The film tells the story of  Jim Morris, who as a boy dreamed of being big league baseball pitcher. He moved around a lot being the son of a Navy man, and eventually landed in Big Lake; a small Texas town. Jim eventually was drafted but injured his throwing shoulder which ended his lifelong dream.

Years later Mr. Morris, now married with three children, is a high school science teacher, as well as the baseball coach. To make a long story short, his high school team was not very good, at least they weren’t playing up to their potential and to motivate his players, he agreed to attend a minor league tryout…if the team made it to the district championship. Of course the team goes on a winning streak and makes state. So Jim reluctantly travels to the nearest tryout to show his stuff. It turns out that he is throwing faster than he thought he could, in fact faster than he did in college, 15 years earlier.

Jim gets a call from the Tampa Bay Devil Rays to join their minor league team. It was a rough ride but eventually he is called up to the big leagues…around age 35.

Before he commits to playing baseball again, Jim stops by his dad’s home and awkwardly asks for his opinion. His dad who never encouraged him to ever play baseball or follow his dreams, responds with one of the most important lines in the movie…

“It’s OK to think about what you want to do until it’s time to start doing what you were meant to do.”

It’s OK to think about what you want to do, until it’s time to start doing what you are meant to do. In the movie, the implication was that these would be very different things. Sure we may have dreams and aspirations but eventually the reality of life would set in and we would need to forgo our dreams for the something practical. 

But is that true? What if what we want to do is what we were meant to do?

God has created us and uniquely designed us with our personalities, passions, skills & abilities, personal experiences, preferences, and aspirations. As we gain clarity around those things I think we have an obligation or better, the opportunity to pursue them. Pursuing your dreams is not “unspiritual” but rather being who God has made me to be.

Following your dreams may be the most spiritual thing you do…why?

Our desires come from God (at least they can)

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” When I was young I thought this verse meant that God would simply give me what I wanted. But it means so much more than that. If we want to discover our passions, our dreams and purpose in life, then we must begin with a relationship with God. As we experience Him, the things we begin to want to do, the things that excite us, the things that we feel drawn to and the things we want to accomplish are actually things God plants in our hearts. They come from Him. What do you dream about?

If you could do anything at all with your life, what would it be?

Where do you think the answers to those questions come from?

“The more we delight in a relationship with God, the clearer we will become on discovering our purpose.”

     God has stuff for us to do

In Ephesians 4:10, the writer says ,“We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us new in Christ Jesus so we can do good things He has planned for us long ago.” 

How cool is that? Imagine this for a moment. God decided way before you were ever born, specific things for you to do. Good things. Things that matter. If that is true, then wouldn’t be important for us to discover what they are?

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you discover why.” Mark Twain

     The world needs you

Our desires, passions and purpose are not things to be kept quiet. They are meant to be lived out; to impact others. Maybe not the entire world, but certainly in your world.

Love is the driving force. Love for God and love for others.

The Bible tells us that what matters most is to love God and love others. When we love God, we discover our desires. When we love others, we impact them with our personalities, talents and particular bent. After all, isn’t love, doing what’s in the best interest of another person? Well, what’s in the best interest of others is you being the person God has created, designed and planned for you to be.

Here’s the thing; it’s not about getting more or making more…it’s about being more. It’s about being the best version of who God created us to be. That may be a lifelong pursuit but for me it’s a most worthwhile one.

  • You are unique
  • Your life is meant to impact others
  • Clarity about who you are, will impact who you become
  • Others need you
  • Your life is not your own, but meant to be lived for the sake of others.
  • Striving to reach your potential is a never-ending journey that honours the One who made you.

No one else has the job of being you. 

What are your desires today? Where do they come from?

If there was 1 area in your life (relationship, career, health etc) you’d like to change, what would it be?

If you couldn’t fail, what new goals would you pursue?

How can your personality, talents, desires and passions impact others? Your family, your friends, your co-workers?

Maybe…just maybe, pursuing your dreams is the most spiritual thing you can choose to do.

Feeling stuck? Not sure what to do next? Your life not where you want it to be? Life coaching can help. Contact me to arrange a free 30-minute discovery call. Lets talk.