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3 Keys To Discovering Your Mission


If you’re a person of faith, then the Easter Weekend that just passed had significant meaning to you, way beyond chocolate and bunnies. It’s a time set aside to remember and reflect on the significance of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. For Christians, the most significant events in history.


Jesus Had a Mission

All throughout the gospels, Jesus gives clues to why he came, 2000 years ago.

“Let us go somewhere else- to the nearby village so I can preach there. That is why I have come.” Mark 1:38

“The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10

“I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” Matt 9:13

Jesus was very clear on why He came to earth and what He was to do while he was here. And he completed all he came to do.

Just prior to his arrest, trial and crucifixion, Jesus prays, “I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.” John 17:4

What’s Your Mission?

Are you completing your God-given assignment? What are you doing to accomplish God’s purposes?

Ask yourself, “What will I do today to accomplish God’s plan? How will I move toward the mission He has given me?” Then you can experience true success.

Success is not what you’ve done compared to what others have done. Success is what you have done compared to what you were supposed to do. – Tony Evans

Consider the following:

  • Your Skills & Abilities: what are they? what comes naturally to you? what are you good at?
  • Your Personality Traits: are you creative, logical, outgoing, adventurous, analytical or verbal, do like to collaborate with others or work alone?
  • Your Values, Dreams and Passions: when do you feel a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment? what are you doing when time seems to stand still or pass by without notice? what do you lay awake thinking about? What do you stand for? What angers you? What principles guide you?

“God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God’s many kind of blessings.” 1 Peter 4:10

Your Mission Statement

“Your mission, should you choose/decide to accept it… As always, should you or any of your I.M. Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck”

Those lines were first made famous (long before Tom Cruise came along) in the 1960’s Mission Impossible TV series. Secret government agents known as the Impossible Missions Force (IMF) received their missions. Each episode was marked by a similar exchange between the main characters and a mission; usually transmitted on a recording device that exploded or disintegrated soon after it was listened to.

Sometimes understanding our own mission is not so easy and straightforward. Unlike the TV series, none of us receive a self-destructing message that communicates to us what our mission is.

So how can we determine our mission? Where do we start?

I think a lot of us begin by looking at things we want to do, or look for the best job etc. But I suggest the best place to start to understand life’s big question like, Why am I here? is to look inside of ourselves, not in the Help Wanted ads.

When you identify your (1) skills & abilities, your (2) personality traits, and your (3) values, dreams and passions, you now have the basis for your own personal mission statement.

“God does equip us in unique and different ways. It was never His desire that we all be identical. Find your uniqueness and experience the joy of operating in that area of uniqueness. You may have grown up with the distorted idea that God is more pleased when we suffer and are miserable. However, it is clear that God designed us so that when we are fulfilling His specific purpose for our lives it will create an incredible sense of joy and peace. God will never quench your dreams and visions but rather He will enhance them, stretch them and give you the means to accomplish them.”   – Dan Miller

What’s your mission?

Do you have questions about your personal mission? Life coaching can help. Contact me to arrange an initial free 30 minute Discovery Call. Let’s talk.

Published inFaithFocusPassion & Purpose


  1. […] What has given you success in one job or career could serve you well in another entirely different job or business. Your strengths (personality, skills etc) are transferable. Think outside the box. I wrote more about this here. […]

  2. […] you clear on the values that guide you? I wrote more about this here. Do you consistently live them out? Or do you violate them when put to the […]

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